Board of Directors
executive team
members of the
Board of Directors
Related Equity Directors
(M) Member Since
(EF) Financial Expert
The Board of Directors is the highest governance body, it is composed of 9 directors and is led by Héctor Hernández-Pons Torres, Chief Executive Officer of the Group, who is also the Chairman. Jointly, they make decisions to guarantee and maximize returns for all investors that give us their trust.
The Board of Directors meets on a quarterly basis and has intermediate bodies in charge of overseeing the management and execution of the objectives of the Group. This is also the case with the other indicators of the Company, in these sessions, we also present progress on sustainability.
Responsible Directors
• Eduardo Ortiz Tirado Serrano
Responsible for labor practices
• Luis Rebollar Corona
Responsible for environmental practices
• José Roberto Danel Díaz
Responsible for Governance and Chairman of the Corporate Practices and Audit Committee

Companies on Internal and
Social Issues by Merco
Companies at the Ethics and
Governance Level by Merco
Empresas Excepcionales 2022
Association For Sustainable
Economy (IASE) certification

Grupo Herdez has the purpose of being passion, culture, and a global benchmark of innovation in sustainable development.
Since 2021, the Sustainability Committee was composed of the Executive Team of the Company. The Office of the Chief Financial and Information Technology Officer has under its subordination the Office of the Finance and Sustainability Director, and the Environmental Sustainability department, which together with the technical departments, supplement the team of collaborators dedicated to achieving the objectives of the sustainability strategy of the Group.
In line with the international trends and benchmarks on environmental, social, and governance issues (ESG), we redefined the sustainability objectives for the Group:
Achieve management with ESG criteria.
Identify and mitigate the potential social and environmental risks of operations.
Promote sustainability innovation projects for our brands.


We contribute to 7 of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) for compliance with Agenda 2030:

Adhesion to the GLOBAL AGENDA
We form part of the “Climate and Health” Working Group of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to co-create solutions and share the best practices on the subjects of global supply chain, and healthy and sustainable food.

We form part of the CFO Coalition of the Global Compact, which has the purpose of promoting a remodeling of the future of corporate finance and investment as a trigger for growth, value creation, and social impact.

The subjects included in the sustainability strategy seek to answer the concerns and expectations of our main stakeholders: consumers, collaborators, suppliers, clients, and shareholders/investors.
The critical and strategic subjects on which the Group works are:
Critical subjects:
- Consumer health, safety, and wellbeing
- Brand trust and reputation
- Innovation (products and processes)
- Sustainable packaging, reuse, and recycling
Strategic subjects
- Profitable growth in markets and financial sustainability
- Water management
- Energy consumption and efficiency
- Ethics and anticorruption
- Occupational health, safety, and wellbeing
- Labor conditions and relations
- Quality and safety in the value chain
- Transparency in product information and labeling
- Career training and development
- Compliance
- Customer experience

MSCI ESG Ratings
Grupo Herdez received a A rating (in a AAA-CCC scale).
Update date: March 2023

Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)
Forests: C
Wood products: C
Palm oil: C
Soy: C
Water: C
Climate change: C
*C= We recognize and report the potential risks, problems, and impacts
Update date: December 2022.

S&P Global ESG Score
52 points.
Update date: September 2022.
Gender-Equality Index Methodology – Bloomberg
GEI Score 73.18
Update date: January 2023.

on Ethics, Legality,
and/or Human Rights

in the Code of Ethics, Legality,
and/or Human Rights
reports serviced
or unfair practices
Since 2012, Grupo Herdez has been adhered to the United Nations Global Compact. We have committed to prioritize and work to comply with its 10 principles, within which we consider compliance with an ethics and legality focus by collaborators and strategic partners, in addition to working against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery, additionally, we respect the right to collective bargaining.
Our Code of Ethics is the set of basic principles and guidelines on conduct applicable to all of us that form part of the Group, including our supply chain, therefore, it is our responsibility to comply with it and cause it to be complied with.
Our ethical concern advisory mechanism is the Linea CONFIANZA, where one may request advice on ethical and legal conduct, integrity of the organization and report on concerns related to unethical or illegal concerns.
Line: 800 CONFIANZA (800 266342692)
Email: confianza@herdez.com
Check our codes and policies in the following link.