1,851.9 Tn
GRI 401-1
At Grupo Herdez we seek ways to promote better labor conditions for our collaborators, we respect their dignity, and with each of the programs that we implement we guarantee their human rights within a framework of equality and thus, we promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable growth.
Collaborators by location
Region | Total | Percentage |
Corporate offices | 1,356 | 12.8% |
Plant | 4,050 | 38.3% |
Distribution Center | 764 | 7.2% |
Stores | 1,999 | 18.9% |
Sales Routes | 2,418 | 22.8% |
Total | 10,587 | 100.0% |
Collaborators by type of contract
No Data Found
Collaborators by category and gender
Employment category | Men | Men (%) | Women | Women (%) |
Operational | 5,029 | 82.7% | 3,778 | 83.8% |
Operational-Regulatory | 766 | 12.6% | 575 | 12.8% |
Tactical | 199 | 3.3% | 126 | 2.8% |
Strategic | 84 | 1.4% | 30 | 0.7% |
Total | 6,078 | 100% | 4,509 | 100% |
57.4% | 42.6% |
In 2022, 3,262 new collaborators joined our team.
2022 Turnover rate: 18.0%
10,587 collaborators form our team
Labor Wellbeing
GRI 403-1, IP-5
The Environmental Control, Safety, and Health (CASH acronym in Spanish), maintains a culture of prevention, safeguarding the integrity of persons and guaranteeing business continuity.
In our operational departments, we have tours by medical service personnel, where we seek to identify any unsafe condition and prevent any type of accident.
*This data doesn’t consider sales route personnel
We reduced days lost due to accidents by 9.8%*

ISO 45001 Certification (Workplace Health and Safety)
Our Ice Cream plant located in Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco, obtained the ISO 45001 certification. This certification certifies the workplace accident and injury prevention system, and the culture of risk prevention and control for plant personnel, both within the scope of safety and occupational health.
Plato del Buen Vivir
We implemented a comprehensive wellbeing campaign to promote healthy habits among our collaborators in three areas (physical health, mental health, and financial health), through workshops, talks, and challenges.

Diversity and Inclusion
GRI 401-1, 405-1
At Grupo Herdez we have a firm commitment with gender equality and with promoting economic, inclusive, and sustainable growth.
We have a Gender Equity Policy since 2012, where we reflect our commitment to promoting an inclusive and diverse environment, where all collaborators feel included, respected, and empowered to make decisions.
One of our six goals of the Sustainability Strategy is Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 05: Gender Equality
Collaborators by gender
Year | Employment category | <30 | 30-50 | >50 | |||
Total | Percentage (%) | Total | Percentage (%) | Total | Porcentaje (%) | ||
2022 | Operational | 3,567 | 91.8% | 4,325 | 77.5% | 915 | 81.8% |
Operational-Regulatory | 297 | 7.6% | 932 | 16.7% | 112 | 10.0% | |
Tactical | 20 | 0.5% | 248 | 4.4% | 57 | 5.1% | |
Strategic | 0 | 0.0% | 79 | 1.4% | 35 | 3.1% | |
Total | 3,884 | 100% | 5,584 | 100% | 1,119 | 100% | |
Percentage of the total personnel | 37% | 53% | 11% |
Collaborators by gender
No Data Found
Diversity in the Board of Directors
No Data Found
15 collaborators with disabilities in the Duque de Herdez Complex’s staff, in San Luis Potosí.
Semillero Nutrisa
IP-4, IP-2
In line with our commitment to economic participation of women, the Semillero Nutrisa program has the purpose of training and promoting women entrepreneurs in critical aspects for sustained growth of their companies.
Each generation has seen an increase in monthly sales after concluding the program:
trained in 3 years.
No Data Found
GRI 404-1, , 205-2
In 2022, we provided 261,982.47 hours of training to our collaborators, which is equivalent to an investment of more than $14.5 Million pesos in different training programs for technical, regulatory, and leadership competencies, sustainability, among others, which promote personal and professional development of our collaborators.
Year | Gender | Persons | Hours | Average Hours |
2022 | Man | 6,078 | 147,122.33 | 24.20 |
Woman | 4,509 | 114,860.14 | 25.47 | |
Total | 10,587 | 261,982.47 | 24.74 |
+9,000 collaborators trained on the Code of Ethics, Legality, and/or Human Rights
3.2% (344) of collaborators were trained in sustainability issues
Trainer of Trainers
More than 1,380 collaborators received training as internal trainers and/or mentors that developed and strengthened several abilities to transmit their knowledge and experience to other members of the organization.
We were able to share technical and institutional knowledge in more than 4,600 training events throughout the year where more than 7,000 collaborators benefited.
Young Talent
28 apprentices participated in different initiatives, such as internships and “Jóvenes Construyendo el Futuro” of the Consejo Mexicano de Negocios (CMN), 6 of which were hired in different job openings.
We obtained 2 recognitions for “Comprehensive quality training” and “Commitment with the CCE-Talento Aplicado network” given by the CMN and the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (STPS).
Additionally, 3 young collaborators represented Grupo Herdez in the Líderes en
Movimiento Media Superior and Líderes en Movimiento Universitarios programs organized by the CNM and the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE).
Herdez Leaders
More than 1,900 collaborators have participated in one of the Harvard Business School programs, 38% more than the previous year.
The goal of this initiative is to develop the competencies and knowledge required for collaborators of the Group to be able to grow and advance in their professional career.
Grupo Herdez University
We relaunched Grupo Herdez University, now composed of 8 Business Schools allowing the possibility to provide a differentiated offering, according to the required training needs: Corporate School, Operations School, Procurement School, Business School, Marketing School, Ice Cream School, Impulse School, and School for Suppliers.
- 5,457 collaborators participated
- 114,662 hours of online training given
- 285 digital training resources available
Recognitions for our internal and social management
8th place
The 100 Most Responsible Companies on Internal and Social Issues by Merco
1% label
Social Investment from CEMEFI
Social Inclusion label from CEMEFI
IP-2, IP-4, IP-3
We promote food safety in the communities where we operate, allowing all persons to have access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food to cover their nutritional needs, while they satisfy their cultural preferences for a healthy and active life.
Social investment during 2022 was $90.9 Million pesos, which is equivalent to 4.0% of net income.
This included the activities conducted by Fundación Herdez from the food donation program, the Saber Nutrir® program, and other projects of the Group with a social purpose, such as the Semillero Nutrisa® Program.
Pacto de la Comida
Pacto de la Comida by the Red de Bancos de Alimentos de México (BAMX) is a voluntary agreement between companies and organizations throughout the food supply chain -from producers to consumers- to achieve for the food and beverage production and consumption systems to be sustainable, and thus prevent Food Loss and Waste (FLW).
This project has the purpose of contributing to a 50.0% reduction of the FLW in Mexico in the next 10 years through advisory in the processes of companies and organizations to make food management throughout the food chain more efficient.

We are committed to maintaining food waste in our supply chain below 1.0%.
Exceptional Companies Recognition
Grupo Herdez was recognized for the second consecutive year with an Exceptional Practice in the “Exceptional Companies” awards of the Consejo de la Comunicación and the Instituto para el Fomento a la Calidad, in the category of contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals for its food safety strategy.
This recognition is granted to companies and institutions that have carried out outstanding social practices, highlighting solidarity, leadership, and innovation.

in 2022

María Pons
25 years
in 2022
For 35 years, Fundación Herdez has had the purpose of promoting research, preservation, rescue and dissemination of the rich heritage of Mexican cuisine, our biodiversity, and our gastronomic traditions, and the components of our national identity, and the strengthening of educational and teaching processes with workshops carried out in the Interpretation Center.
Opening Casa Doña María Pons
We celebrated the opening of the new headquarters of Fundación Herdez in San Luis Potosí, also known as Casa “Doña María Pons”, located in Barrio de Tlaxcala, where the first “Doña María” mole factory was located.
Casa “Doña María Pons” offers a variety of educational and cultural activities aimed at persons interested in learning about the gastronomy and diversity of Mexican cuisine, through an educational vegetable garden, a gastronomical library, and the “Doña María Pons Nicoux” exhibition.

El Cocinero Mexicano Exhibition
As a result of the 25th anniversary of Biblioteca de la Gastronomía Mexicana, the Foundation prepared and exhibited just about an exact replica of El Cocinero Mexicano, the first book on cuisine of independent Mexico, published in 1831.
Thanks to this action, users of the library may now access the text as if it were the authentic title, without risking the invaluable volume that, due to its value and age, is kept at the Library.

project led by women

“Padrino Saber Nutrir®” program
recovered from
monthly income
from social
Commercialization Projects
Through 83 commercialization projects implemented between 2019 and 2021, in Mazahua communities of Estado de México, where we achieved a $5.1 million pesos income in benefit of 169 families during 2022.
These projects consist of strawberry, tomato, cactus greenhouses, units for bird, lamb, pig production, and egg incubators. -
Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco
Santa Elena, Jalisco Community
As part of our commitment to positively impact the communities in which we operate, we adopted the community of Santa Elena, in the municipality of Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco, where our Nestlé Ice Cream Plant is located.
We highlight that this town in particular does not have drinking water and sewage services. Therefore, we will train 20 families to install 20 vegetable gardens: we will install 20 rainwater collection systems and 20 treatment systems (purifier and biodigester). We will also perform nutritional monitoring of 60 children under 12 years old.
Germplasm Bank
For the purpose of preserving the biodiversity of the region and ensuring food safety, in the seed bank of the Mazahua community “El Huizache”, State of Mexico, we keep 425 seed samples of 31 species of corn, bean, broad bean, sunflower, pumpkin sprout, and chia.
Healthy Food Program
Through this program we provide nutritional consultations to change the eating habits of the children in the communities that we impact, and in our collaborators.
In 2022 we impacted:
- 14 elementary schools in Teoloyucan and Zumpango, State of Mexico
- 5,378 students with a nutritional assessment
- 1,265 nutritional consultations for collaborators
IP-9, GRI 416-1, 417-1
The Research and Development department is commissioned to make sure that our products adapt to the different tastes and lifestyles of our customers.
100% of the product portfolio, both domestic and export, are assessed on health and safety matters, and we have external audits to obtain the FSSC22K certification.
For Mexico, we design the labels of our products in accordance with:
- Product Sanitary Control Regulations.
- NOM-050-SCFI-2004: Commercial Information; General Product Labeling
- NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010: General Labeling Specifications for Pre-Packaged Non-Alcoholic Food and Beverages- Commercial and Health Information