Our environmental commitment is focused on prevention, subserving sustainable development, promoting initiatives, and disseminating new technologies to reduce environmental impacts in our operations, within the directives and scopes established in the environmental management system.
ISO 50001:2018 Certification Energy Management
Our McCormick Mexico and El Duque Plants obtained the ISO 50001:2018 Certification since they have a system with high standards of energy efficiency and safety, through the continuous and systematic improvement plan for energy use, consumption, and efficiency.
To date, we have 3 facilities certified under this standard.
Bosque Urbano BioPappel Award
We received the Bosque Urbano Award given by BioPappel company. This award recognizes the environmental commitment of companies by using 100% recycled cardboard packages.
CHEP Sustainability Certificate
We received the CHEP Sustainability Certificate for maintaining the use of sustainable pallets in our supply chain. Through a pooling method between both companies, we were able to reduce more than 14 tons of CO2 emissions, and avoid the use of wood for the construction of new pallets, equivalent to cutting down 37,467 trees.
Now, more than ever, assessing and seeking improvements in our water management is vital.
Aligned with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 Clean Water and Sanitation of United Nations (UN) Agenda 2030, we committed to reduce our water consumption by 25.0% per ton produced by 2030.
We issued $3,000 million pesos in the stock market through sustainability-linked bonds, becoming the first issuer of the food sector to place this type of instrument in Mexico.
-25.0% in our water consumption per ton produced by 2030
Water Consumption
GRI 303-5
This year, we had a 3.0% increase in water consumption due to an increase in production which demanded a greater number of washings, the startup of new production lines, and changes in the production formats in the Barilla and Herdez Plant in San Luis Potosí, and Ice Cream Plant in Jalisco.
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Figures expressed in millions of liters.
Starting in 2022, absolute figures are expressed with two decimal points, according to the reporting standards for the Sustainability-Linked Bond.
Water Extraction
GRI 303-3
With respect to our operation, we reduced by 0.3% m3/Tn our total water extraction volume in our 10 plants.
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Figures expressed in millions of liters.
Starting in 2022, absolute figures are expressed with two decimal points, according to the reporting standards for the Sustainability-Linked Bond.
Water Discharge
GRI 303-5
The total water discharge volume was reduced by 2.4% in absolute m3 with respect to 2021 due to less water consumption in our operations.
Figures expressed in millions of liters.
Starting in 2022, absolute figures are expressed with two decimal points, according to the reporting standards for the Sustainability-Linked Bond.
No Data Found
Each facility has a water treatment system, which is planned and designed in accordance with the characteristics of the wastewater discharge, and based on compliance with the discharge standards applicable for each facility.
All our treatment systems consider the following stages: pre-treatment, primary treatment, secondary treatment, biological treatment, and simple tertiary treatment.
Rainwater Collection
The volume of rainwater collected and stored on an annual basis is 76 megaliters, corresponding to the maximum installed capacity in the Duque de Herdez Complex, Mexico Plant, and Mexico Distribution Center. This water is used to water gardens.
Sustainable and Regenerative Agriculture Program
IP-6 Sustentabilidad
For the purpose of obtaining quality raw materials, with the goal of preserving the environment, through the Sustainable Agriculture Program we guide, train, supervise, and follow-up on the production practices of our agricultural suppliers of fresh raw materials, especially regarding protected zones or areas, efficient water use, soil conservation, and clean air, to obtain raw materials without chemical waste.
Among the perishable raw materials that we consume are tomato, green tomato, peppers, cilantro, onion, cactus, and tea (lemon, chamomile, spearmint), and non-perishable and/or manufactured raw materials such as corn, semolina, honey, strawberry, etc.
2022 Results
man hours of training for suppliers
detection of pesticides in FP for import to the United States
376 Tn
of field plastic waste recycled
of suppliers complied with the GAP program
saved due to reduction in analysis of pesticides in FP
GAP = Good Agriculture Practices
FP = Finished Product
Exceptional Practice in the Exceptional Companies 2022 event
Honorable Mention in the 20th Edition of the Ethics and Values in Industry Prize awarded by CONCAMIN
recyclable and/or reusable packages
recycled waste
clean energy consumed
scope 1 emissions
GRI 306-3 y 2-6
In 2022, we consumed materials in 3 categories: agricultural raw materials, non-perishable raw materials, and packaging materials (non-renewable and renewable).
93.5% of raw materials suppliers are domestic.
10.25% of the total materials acquired are recycled: corrugated cardboard in small boxes, boxes, and trays.
This year, we reduced the generation of hazardous and non-hazardous waste by 3.0% with respect to last year. 84.3% of this waste was recycled.

Por Un Mundo Más Vivo (For a brighter future)
Through the Por Un Mundo Más Vivo® platform we collected 54,078 Tetrapak® containers (equivalent to 1.7 Tn of material) with which we produced and donated 30 school desks, one desk, and one chair from recycled material for the Middle School of the Santa Elena Community in Comanja de Corona (Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco).
Recicla la lata (Recycle the Can)
This year we recovered and recycled 2.4 Tn of tin that was used to produce crop systems, with which we promote sustainability in schools from rural communities.
Beach Cleaning
This year we reactivated the beach cleaning initiative, achieving the participation of: 875 volunteers to clean 8 beaches, recover 2,900 kg of trash, +7,000 cigarette butts, and 49 tons of seaweed that will be transformed into organic fertilizer.
120,729 Tn of recyclable and/or reusable materials in our packaging.
No Data Found
In 2022, we were able to increase our clean sourced energy consumption, and the use of wind power.
No Data Found
72.6% of Energy comes from Clean Sources
The reduction in energy consumption achieved from the conservation and efficiency initiatives was 41,010.91 GJ, compared with 2021 consumption.
This includes energy from fuel (natural gas, diesel, LP gas, and fuel oil), and electricity.
GRI 302-3
The ratio of energy intensity of Grupo Herdez is 2.00 GJ/Tn produced, a 2.5% reduction with respect to 2021.
No Data Found
GRI 302-1 y 302-4 SASB FB-PF-130a.1
Total consumption of all energy was 1,210,504 GJ, including fuel and electricity.
No Data Found

2 emissions
1 emissions